What is Fibromyalgia?
FMS (fibromyalgia (fi-bro-my-Al-juh) syndrome).
Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes severe chronic pain and is still far from being comprehensively understood by doctors and researchers. Those who live with fibromyalgia suffer from extreme fatigue, pain all over their body and brain fog, more commonly referred to as fibro fog.
It’s an invisible illness and many sufferers outwardly appear to be fine. This can make it an extremely difficult disease to live with as it can be hard to explain the illness to your friends and family.
Fibromyalgia is especially difficult to describe to your family and friends because the symptoms vary in severity each and every day. It is hard to articulate the impact the condition has on your life and state of mind. When you have to cancel plans because of your illness, it is very tough to explain to your friends and family why you were not able to attend parties or milestones in their lives. Fibromyalgia can leave you extremely tired and it can be so difficult to motivate yourself to leave the house.
Finding the Balance
When you have fibromyalgia, it can be difficult to balance your activities and work commitments. You never know how much energy you are going to have on any given day, so it is optimistic to commit to an array of activities when you are not 100% sure if you are going to be physically up for the challenge. If you overexert yourself one day you then may not have enough energy to fulfil your commitments over the next few days.
Sleeping can be a huge issue if you suffer from fibromyalgia. Getting to sleep can be so tough because of the relentless chronic pain and the anxiety that results from both the pain and lack of sleep.
This can you leave you feeling restless for extended periods of time and the tiredness can begin to have a negative influence on all aspects of your life.
Fibromyalgia impacts the central nervous system, and this means that the pain your body is in is amplified to a horrific level.
Many fibromyalgia patients experience shooting pains similar to an electric shock on a regular basis and they can even be prolonged. It can be extraordinarily inconvenient if they occur during a work meeting or during an event you should be enjoying.
Fibromyalgia remains to be somewhat of a mystery disease. It has yet to be deciphered precisely what causes fibromyalgia and as a result, it can be almost impossible to properly treat fibromyalgia and patients are often left to try to find their own solutions using natural remedies or therapies.