
By Karen Crosby


Don’t look at me with disdain

Because you can’t see my pain

How do you know how I live?

What do I have to give?

I’m tired of being me

When others cannot see

When I try to explain

So, don’t look at me with disdain.


Don’t roll your eyes again

When I am clearly in pain

With my arms, with my legs

No it’s not all in my head.


My nervous system lets me down

My pain makes me cry, makes me frown

So keep your thoughts to yourself

Leave me on the shelf


Better to be alone

Heart heavy, like a stone

Than having you judge me

Having you begrudge me

My time I need to regroup

How low can you stoop?


But don’t you feel too bad

Plenty of help I’ve had

It’s not my fault it was in vain

And still exhaustion and pain

But I am stronger than I look

When my confidence is shook

Still, I fight on and on

Because my pain will never be gone!


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