Fibromyalgia Exercises


By David Jenkin

Equipmentless Home-Based Cardio


While I am hoping that this column reaches you with a brighter outlook than when it needed to be written in April, this column is dedicated to helping people maintain as much stamina as possible from the comfort of your own lounge without the need of any equipment – well maybe a stopwatch/timer. The joy of home based cardio is that you have a nice comfy settee on which to rest between exercises! Here are some ideas for a home based programme of cardio, each round will take you 10mins, including rest, repeat twice for a 20min workout of three times for a 30min workout


1)    MARCHING ON THE SPOT – 1min (followed by 30secs rest)


March on the spot as fast as you can, swinging the arms as you do.


2)    SIDE TAPS – 1min (followed by 30sec rest)


Stand up straight and tap the floor to the side with one foot. Return to standing and repeat with the other side. Do this alternately as fast as you are able


3)    KNEE RAISES – 1min (followed by 30sec rest)


Hold your hands out in front of you, palms facing down, at waist height. Raise one knee to tap the palm of the hand on the same side. Repeat with other side


4)    HEEL DIGS – 1min (followed by 30sec rest)


Stand up straight and dig one heel in front of you, and bring back. Repeat alternately as fast as you can


5)    FORWARD REACHES/AIR PUNCHES – 1min (followed by 30sec rest)


Stand up straight and take a slight step back with one foot. Punch/reach forward with one arm directly in front at chest height, repeat alternately as fast as possible


6)    BACK TAPS – 1min (followed by 30sec rest)


Stand up straight, take a step back behind you with one foot, step back in again and repeat alternately as fast as possible


7)    STEP-UPS – 1min (session complete or 2min rest before repeating circuit)


Perform a minute of step-ups using the bottom stair of the stair case – both feet and both feet down. Do this as fast as possible, hold the bannister if you like for safety. If you don't have stair case then repeat the marching or any of the previous six



Martin Westby (your magazine editor) and I have recently co-authored a Self-Help Exercise Guide that includes a whole section on how to do establish this consistency effectively. To order a copy please follow the following web link:


Or alternatively you can email the magazine at or myself on and we can assist you in purchasing your copy. Maybe somebody could order you a copy for Christmas! To contact me directly, or enquire about 1:1 training prices please check out my website or email me directly on


David Jenkin


Think it through and breathe!


BOOK REVIEW: The Sleep Book: How to Sleep Well Every Night by Dr Guy Meadows. (Orion Books)