Stress Relief Techniques for Fibromyalgia

By Karen Crosby

It is a very stressful life we deal with being Fibro warriors.

I have been looking at my stress management teaching manuals as I have taught this to all groups of people of all ages for many years, and I have extracted a few tried and tested techniques acquired over the years from yoga, stress management and meditation etc; all of which I teach.

I am hoping that this will in some way relate to fibro and help to deal with the pain, stress and uncertainty present in our daily lives. 

Here goes, and enjoy!

To help prevention of the build up of stress there are many ways to do this: 

a)    Time to be alone every day for 5 to 15 mins, no phones, no family, slow down breathing, upright (supported) spine, think of something to ask the universe, either help with problems or positive affirmations, be strong and confident and send out to universe with conviction.  Imagine you are sending your request straight out through the centre of your forehead (known in yoga as the third eye) and out into space.  This may sound silly but it has worked many times for me!

b)   Look at current routines and workload at home and if you work.  Find new ways of using the time to allow for a more efficient way to live a slower pace, remembering to factor in frequent breaks and rest in-between tasks.  If you are employed tell your employer about your fibro challenges and put breaks in place.

c)    Take frequent small breaks while you work, or focus on slowing down your breathing as you work - by breathing in for the count of 5 and out for the count of 8-10, through the nose.

d)   Do wood chopper pose (also known as the skier) with HA breaths as this calms anger too.

Stand feet shoulder width apart with a little bend to the knees. Arms are lifted up alongside the ears on inhale and on exhale the arms are swept inside the legs and back behind the body but do this with soft knees to support the spine. On the exhale make a loud “HA” noise, or if any other sound needs to escape use that. Do NOT do this unless you are able on a good day, and always keep knees soft.

e)    Do a gentle forward bend with feet hip width apart and knees soft, let all tension melt away from head, neck, shoulders and arms (uttanasana in yoga).

f)     If sitting at a desk for a prolonged time at work, or at home – set a timer for 15 min intervals and take the shoulders back and down, head slightly back, hands clasped behind back, and pulled downwards – this stops the tension building up in the shoulders and neck and helps prevent headache.  Do not bend the back too far backwards.

g)    A weekly yoga class helps us to get in tune with our body and mind, helps to de-stress us and helps us to deal much better with the challenges of life. Try and find one in your area that is suitable for beginners, a gentle class and steak with the teacher about your challenges first.

h)   A great stress reliever is laughter, which has a very strong physiological effect on the brain and body:

Laughter activates T lymphocytes and immune killer cells, so boosts the immune response

Increases production of immunity-boosting gamma interferon which speeds up the production of new immune cells

Endorphins are released which reduce the levels of the stress hormones like cortisol, which can weaken the immune response. Endorphins are our “feel good” chemicals, which help to rid us of pain!

Reduces the levels of chronic stress in the body so enhances lifespan

Protects the nervous system

Endocrine system gets rest during laughter 

Laughter moves lymph fluid around the body to help remove waste products from the organs and tissues

Oxygenates the body at the cellular and organ level (it is also vital to note here that cancer cells are destroyed in the presence of oxygen)

Serotonin (feel good chemicals) are released in the brain

Indeed, there have been some documented cases of people laughing their way to being in full remission to cancer!

Smile while you dial!

Smiling does a lot to add warmth to a voice. When you smile, the vocal cords are pulled differently and the voice automatically sounds friendlier.

Another suggestion is to post family pictures around your desk. It’s hard not to smile when you see a darling picture of your two-year old laughing or your spouse at a favourite holiday spot.

On occasion, people can become difficult even angry.

If you find yourself tensing up, standing up, moving around and gesturing will be a lifesaver.

It will release the tension in the upper body and help your voice to continue to sound sincere.

People notice when a person they are speaking with on the phone sounds unflappable and calm down as a result.

It’s hard to be upset with someone who sounds sincere and knowledgeable.

Try smiling and speak into the mirror, then try frowning and speak into the mirror, and finally keep the face neutral and expressionless and speak into the mirror, you will be amazed at the differences in the voice!

I hope this snapshot can help, happy pain-free month!


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