Terrible Machine

By Paul J. Radford

You see this terrible machine

It’s been working for centuries

Oiled by the blood and spite of good men

For castles, palaces, and penitentiaries


You see this terrible machine

Its cogs be not fit

But forced into place, by a nameless face:

For a pardoned illicit profit


You see this terrible machine,

It turns and turns and turns

No matter the price, nor the pain

As it is not them, but he, who yearns.


You see this terrible machine

It’s operated by deceitful cliques

Who stand proud upon their beautiful hills

Waving down upon the lunatics


You see this terrible machine

Forever it shall weep,

Like a starving child or a slaughtered lamb

Nevertheless, the feast must reap


You see this terrible machine

It runs for avarice desire

No heed, nor woe, no plead, nor foe

Sommer work; tax; grave or pyre.


You see this terrible machine

Yes, its parts do expire

But it spawns yet more pawns

Fuelling its despotic hellfire

You see this terrible machine

To which that you rely

Like a fish swimming in a glass bowl

You have no choice, but comply


You see this terrible machine

And your pitiful glass cage,

You do not see that there’s a wider ocean

Of liberty and sage.


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