The Ninth Month - Fibromyalgia and Pregnancy


By Naomi Harvey

The ninth month has been a very weird month. I know logically that it’s the last stretch and that baby will be here very soon, yet emotionally I am really struggling to get my head around the idea that I will have new-born in a very short time. The physical side is pretty good right now, apart from my centre of gravity being so far off kilter that I am so clumsy right now.

My fibro has been remarkably better for the past month, I’m guessing that the hormones that are surging to get ready for the birth is helping me out big time. I am waddling like a duck and feel so tired all the time but the pain levels are reduced and the trigger points seem to be much easier to handle. My lower back is still an issue, along with my hips from the extra weight of the baby means that they are separating a bit too much, thankfully it should right itself after the birth. The bursitis and sacraillitis is starting to come back and its causing me more discomfort than it has in a while. Walking is very difficult, and I get so out of breath and worn out quickly that I can’t do much beyond 5 minutes.

Pacing is pretty much out of the window right now, not that I have the energy to do much at all. The nesting instinct is through the roof and all I want to do is eat, clean and sleep. My husband has been put through so much to make sure that everything is spotless for the pending arrival. I don’t think my house has ever been this clean, with me out of commission for the most part its all on my husband, and heaven help him if its not done fast enough. The mood swings are rotten. If I perceive even the tiniest thing is wrong, or that upsets me, I can go from raging hulk angry to falling apart, heart-breaking tears within seconds. The worry of the birth and the whole planning of it is adding layers to my anxiety issues which increase the frustration and mood swings. The fear of how I will cope through labour is rather overwhelming. I have had to sit down and go through everything that I can/can’t do for the birth in regard to my health issues and pain. I can’t have the epidural due to the inability to hold my body still for 20 minutes without moving. So, in order to get through a natural birth I have to stay on the lower based medications, if it comes to a c section though I will have to be knocked out in order to do the epidural that way.

My gestational diabetes is under control enough that the baby is no longer at any major risk but does mean that I have to be induced a week early to be safe. My last month will be just 3 weeks, still not quite sure I am ready. 

The biggest hit to my fibro this month is the fatigue, I am literally sleeping more than I am awake, maybe I am preparing for the sleeplessness when my little man is here. Getting to the point now where I am more than ready to have my baby here but not sure how to be a parent when he is. Also have a large fear around how my fibro will react to both labour and the hormone rush/drop following it. 

Soon I will be a mother, I never thought I would get to ever say those words let alone experience the whole pregnancy thing, yet here I am facing labour within a few weeks. I hurt so much less than normal, and that’s a sentence I hate. My baby brain/fibro fog are battling with each other and forgetfulness is the main problem. Just a little silliness so far though so I’m not too worried, just put the milk in the cereal cupboard, made my morning tea with no teabags and emptied the water from a pot into the bin not the sink. It’s all fun and games.


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