My Opinion Only…

I don’t look ill, I know, you keep telling me.

I Will be ok soon, I know, you keep telling me.

What is wrong this time, you say with coldness in your voice.

Why do I feel sorry for myself this time?


I hear this every day; I see eyes that glaze over.

I am made to feel lazy, a freeloader.

I don’t do much some days, I rest far too much.

Well blah blah blah!


Now you can sit down and listen to me

All of those who don’t believe,

Listen to my sermon and take it in, or not.

I am tired of fighting that which I cannot win.


I have pain, ever day, in one place or ten!

I am not going to explain myself after this, so listen.

My brain and my nervous system fight me,

They send pain where I should not get it!

I have restless legs when I long for sleep.

I feel down when I should be celebrating life’s events.

I am tired beyond any explanation, fatigue and exhaustion,

From the moment I get out of bed, if I even stay there.

I cannot function to work all day, some days not at all!

I am isolated, afraid, anxious, and beyond that,

I have to explain why I can’t make it today, or tomorrow.

I am so adept at this; I can hear eyes rolling even down the phone!


Those who profess to love me, they are lying.

Because someone that really loves me

Would look at me with eyes wide open

Would see my fear, my uncertainty, my outlook that is not who I am!

They would know the real me, not what this does to my life.

They would know every day is an uphill struggle, that it is never easy.


I will tell you whose opinion is the most important to me…MINE!


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