“How do you deal with a flare (a flare is a temporary worsening of your symptoms)?”

As all of us suffer from flares, this month we asked our Facebook group “How do you deal with a flare (a flare is a temporary worsening of your symptoms)?”   members were allowed to add their own options.


Listen to your body and rest as much as needed

160 votes

Reduce your activities but still carry on doing them

87 votes

Ignore it and try to carry on

42 votes

Give yourself some extra TLC

24 votes

Eat more healthily and drink more fluids

11 votes

Pace yourself x (member added)

6 votes

See your GP to change your meds

4 votes


These are some member comments that were left on the survey:

AG says “I do try and eat healthy anyway but I try and do some gentle stretches whilst in a flare which sometimes eases it and sometimes doesn’t. Xxx”

LC says“I can't afford to rest completely. I work full time, and though I can take sick days for flare ups I have to try and limit them. ”

CLA says “I think for some of us life gets in the way of fully resting. Working full time and not being paid if im off sick, ive been using my holiday allowance when I feel a flare coming on. But sometimes during times of stress etc you cant just stop and rest, stuff still needs to be done. I'm expecting a flare soon, family members house needs clearing out, cant not do it, just got to power through till I can rest. Life isn't convenient, I think most of us are forced to adapt the best we can. I was denied benefits so I cant afford to work part time.”

IT says "as I have been self employed now for 5 years I can sort work around flares better than when I worked full time. Not always perfect, but much better than it used to be...“

MAH says “Depending on how bad it is I either rest or reduce activities. If I have to work I take my TENS and heat patches with me. It's not a very physical job so I try to go in if I can because although I can take sick days, they're obviously limited.”

AC says “I try to listen to my body but sometimes I get so angry that I can’t do normal things and then end up doing too much”

SF says “My boy is almost 12, has complex needs and challenging behaviour.

All I can do is try to give myself some extra TLC because there’s no one else to do what I do

(His dad works lots of hours and does as much as he can when he’s here x)”

CP says “I get very annoyed that I can't do what I want but as the years go on we have to learn... I use heat pads as much a possible too”

HB says “Can be difficult finding the balance between allowing your body too rest and recover, but also try to keep moving so that stiffness does not add to increased pain levels ”

JB says “I rest as much as possible and try and sleep read a good book .”



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