Internal Tremors and Fibromyalgia.


Karen Crosby

In 2017, I did an article here exploring internal tremors and why they happen, from certain vitamin deficiencies to other conditions and when to have them checked out.

I want to explore this again, but this time look more into why it happens with particular emphasis at people living with Fibro.

There has been some differing medical opinions referring to Fibro being the cause of internal tremors, but I will try and simply take a look at why people living with this condition are prone to it happening.

The way to describe internal tremors from my perspective (I have them) is: -

A feeling of shaking that is internal to the body, like standing still on an earth tremor that is not a full-blown earthquake!

Sometimes it is difficult to tell where in the body it is happening as it feels that it is throughout the inside with no definable area.

It is very strange and can be frightening when it first happens!

Take comfort that most of the time it is nothing to worry about and does not cause damage.  However, if you experience internal tremors, it is best to use your own discretion as to if you need to seek medical attention or not!  For example, if you feel fluttery in the chest, always get it checked!  The other reason if you have not had it before and it is happening a lot, check there is no other medical reason with your doctor.


The reasons why it is getting mixed opinions in the medical field are: -


1.   Internal tremors are often caused by hormone imbalances, distributions of neurotransmitters, diet lacking in certain vitamins like B12 and other factors.

2.   People who have these tremors are historically more likely to experience fatigue and have immune system issues as a result (two of the major symptoms of fibro).

3.   Muscle Tremors are also related to other conditions like Parkinson’s disease and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

This is what causes the confusion!  A lot of the medical profession are saying there is a link between fibro and internal tremors, but it is not the fibro that causes them.

 The symptoms associated with fibro can lead on to internal tremors, and these can be: -


1.   Muscle spasms and pain that can lead to internal tremors.

2.   Pain and fatigue are main symptoms, which can lead onto internal tremors, as they are linked (as above) to common causes of this.

3.   There are many fibro patients whom suffer internal tremors; - therefore there is becoming a strong link because of numbers alone.

4.   Although internal tremors are not usually dangerous, symptoms being experienced in fibro need to be treated, otherwise they can cause other issues.

5.   Increased sensitivity arising around the body may bring about a sudden shaking feeling resulting from such an increase.

6.   Because of muscle pain mentioned above, there are internal muscles in the body that can go into spasm too thus causing that shaking feeling internally.


The difference between the internal and external muscle spasms however, are that internally it is a general feeling of shaking which is difficult to pinpoint, whereas external muscles like those on the limbs experience very painful muscle pain and spasms.




Similar experience to both of the above is restless leg syndrome (RLS), which fibro sufferers are said to be 11 times more prone to experiencing (Huyaguha Cohen of the Baseline of Health Foundation).   This is a twitching or shaking sensation under the skin of the legs, and makes you feel as though you need to move the legs suddenly.  This is another way to increase fatigue as it can happen more at night when you want to try to go to sleep!

 As already mentioned above, the internal tremors are not likely to cause harm to your long-term health.


However they can have other effects on your day-to-day life: -


1.   Restless leg syndrome (RLS) mentioned above or other internal tremors contribute to keeping you awake if experienced on an evening or in bed at night.  I find if I get RLS or other tremors I give up and get up for several hours!

2.   When it happens in the legs and you happen to be walking somewhere (I do a lot of walking), it can affect your ability to walk and you may have to sit down immediately.

3.   If it happens for the first time in the chest area, it may cause fear that it is a heart issue, leading to anxiety.

4.   It is important to mention here that anxiety is a cause of tremor, therefore anyone can experience it whether fibro being the issue or not!


As I mentioned in the last article on this subject, if you begin to experience the internal tremor there are so many things you can do to combat this: -


1.   Check out with your doctor if you are suffering from any vitamin deficiency, especially B12 which can be put right with a supplement or sometimes an injection, which has the added bonus of helping to combat fatigue.

2.   Gentle walking to keep your legs healthy by working the muscles to combat RLS.

3.   Warm baths with a small cup of Epsom salts in to help relax the muscles after walking or any exercise, if they are painful anywhere in the body.  Also aromatherapy bath oils can help with relaxation for sleep too, so its good just before bed.

4.   Treat yourself to a gentle massage sometimes; this is a great way to detox the muscles all over the body and very relaxing and restorative.


1.   I know I have said this a thousand times, but try Yoga!  As an experienced yoga teacher I know first hand the benefits for the muscles that Yoga brings.  Also in a good class, there are the added benefits of breathing, relaxation and meditation techniques; which are amazing for health and wellbeing.

2.   Try other holistic methods like Reiki, Reflexology, acupuncture and others, as they work on the energy fields of the person as a whole and are, in my experience very beneficial! 



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