Northern Ireland Support Groups
Coleraine, Northern Ireland
The regional support group meets on last Friday of each month, in Rathain Fold Union Street, Coleraine, from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Contact details for the group is Debbie Davis
Telephone: 07513202755
Email : debs_47@hotmail.co.uk
Fibromyalgia Awareness Northern Ireland (FM.A.NI)
Phone number :08456003213
Email :info@fmani.uk
Website : www.fmani.uk
(F M A N I) is a registered charity organisation dedicated to providing help and support to Fibromyalgia sufferers and those who care for them.
Our mission is to provide an organisation where those with Fibromyalgia can find understanding, knowledge, support and practical help in fighting this disease.
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
0845 600 32 13
Chronic Pain Survivors NI
077 1908 6496
10am - 8pm
Facebook: click here
Fibromyalgia UK
Facebook: click here
Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland
07712 892834.
Monday to Friday 2-4pm
Facebook: click here
Ballymena Fibromyalgia Support Group
Caroline Campbell
07734 931120
028 9127 1525 - Ext 385 (weekdays/daytime) for further details
East Belfast Fibromyalgia Support Group
Contact Joan on 028 9062 5901 (weekdays 10am-12noon)
North West Group
Contact Debbie
07513 2027 55
(Tues/Thurs between 7pm - 10pm)
Phone number : 07547826885
Email : disabilityowlshed16@gmail.com
We are a local community group that now meets every thursday at Cloughfern Protestant Hall, Newtownabbey, co. antrim 184 doagh road bt36 6ba from 1pm till 3pm our previous premises was Carrickfergus YMCA, moved to new premises recently. Our aims of the group is to help local people in the Northern Trust area with filling in forms for benefits, housing issues, mental and physical health such as fibromyalgia,ptsd,bipolar, suicide and self harm awareness, alcohol and drugs awareness, bereavement and much more.
We are also members of a Disability advisory panel within the Northern Trust, members of patient client council, members of south antrim community network and also recently got involved with the Public Health Agency Health and Social care through personal and public involvement for service users/carers and a new engage website.
Chairman David Humphreys
Vice-chair/Treasurer Ken Boyle
Secretary Lauren Humphreys
Send Us Your Support Group
FM Support Groups are Cropping up through various Social Channels all the time, we would love to be able to keep an up to date list of all local groups in the UK. If you run a support group and would like to be included in our UK Fibro Support Map, please pop us your details and we will be in touch.
Come and join us on one of our groups, where we have over 40,000 members, all with moderators.
Private Group
Men & Fibromyalgia
Young People with FM
Fibromyalgia Images
Legal Marijuana products for Fibromyalgia