Northern Support Groups
Teesside Chronic Pain/Illness peer support group
Middlesbrough Fibro/CFS, Chronic Pain Support
Phone number: 07757773472
Email: borofibrogroup@gmail.com
A local peer support group for people and their families who have fibro/Chronic pain or illness to chat, ask advice and make friends. We meet once a month for a friendship group. There was great need for it, so I decided to start a group to help us all. I would be grateful for help and support to continue it.
Pain Management Support Group
Tees Valley,
Durham and North Yorkshire Neurological Alliance
Phone number : 07883031481
Email : dianewilliams1@sky.com
Website : www.na-tvdny.org.uk
We are a pain management support group , like minded people who suffer chronic pain , we feel the friendship of the group brings together individuals who all know how it feels to have long term pain .
Fibro Family @ Stanley
Phone number: 07984114224
Email: Fibrofamilystanley@gmail.com
Website: https:www.facebook.com/fibrofamily@stanley
Facebook: fibro family@ Stanley
Fibro Family @ Stanley meet every Friday 1.30pm -3pm at The Venue, Wear Road, Stanley, County Durham. DH9 6LU
Open to Fibro warriors and family and friends.
Fibro Info - Southport
0844 887 2493 12 pm to 2 pm Saturday and Sunday
Fibromyalgia Carlisle
Facebook: click here
Preston Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Support Group
0844 887 2606 - 10-6
Facebook: click here
Fibro Guys & Gals
0844 887 2593 Any time
Facebook: click here
Fibrofriends Kirklees
0844 887 2583: 10am-4pm if possible
Facebook: click here
Fibromyalgia in the North East
0844 887 2437 6pm til 9pm
Chorley Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Support
0844 887 2491 - 9am-9pm
Facebook: click here
Wakefield and District Fibromyalgia Support Group
0844 887 2362 -office hours if possible
Furness Fibromyalgia and CFS
Facebook: click here
Warrington/Widnes/Runcorn Fibromyalgia Support Group
0845 345 5976
Telford & Wrekin Fibro Support Group
0844 887 2392 10 am - 7 pm
Facebook: click here
Huddersfield & District Fibromyalgia Support Group
0844 887 2587 Mon, Tue, Fri 10am to 12noon, Thur 6pm to 8pm
Stockport Fibromyalgia Group
0845 458 3760 9-5pm
North East Fibromyalgia Support Group
0191 5130015
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Fibromyalgia Support Group
newcastlefibro@gmail.com or angiedumplin@hotmail.com
0844 887 2433 anytime between 10am - 9pm
Facebook: click here
Leeds Fibromyalgia Support Group
0844 887 2371, 11am – 5pm
Sheffield and Surrounding Areas Fibromyalgia Support Group
0845 345 2604 (10am - 6pm)
Barnsley and District Support Group
0845 458 2321
Doncaster and District Fibromyalgia Support Group
0845 458 2110
Fibromyalgia & Joint Support Group
Based in Odsal, Bradford, West Yorkshire
Sharon Sed
4th Wednesday of every month. 10.30 - 12.00
Send Us Your Support Group
FM Support Groups are Cropping up through various Social Channels all the time, we would love to be able to keep an up to date list of all local groups in the UK. If you run a support group and would like to be included in our UK Fibro Support Map, please pop us your details and we will be in touch.
Come and join us on one of our groups, where we have over 40,000 members, all with moderators.
Private Group
Men & Fibromyalgia
Young People with FM
Fibromyalgia Images
Legal Marijuana products for Fibromyalgia