North-West Support Groups
M. E cfs it's not what you can't do (Burnley)
Phone number: 07493741351
Email: Clairelarkin@live.co.uk
Monthly group first Monday of every month at the fold, Venice avenue Burnley. Come along everyone welcome. A fun friendly group looking for friendship and support from fellow sufferers.
Fibro Fighters (Gannow) Living With Fibromyalgia
We are a support group for people with Fibromyalgia and associated conditions, their family members, friends and carers. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6.30 to 8.30 at Gannow Community Centre, Adamson Street, Burnley BB12 6RB (Junction 10 M65). Refreshments are provided.
For further information ;
email cristrez2018@gmail.com
text or call 07808 048811
find us on Facebook & Twitter
Tameside Fibromyalgia Warriors T/A Fibro Fighters Manchester
Phone number :07500355151
Email : chair@fibrofighters.co.uk
Website : www.fibrofighters.co.uk
Message : Meetings are every 2 weeks on Tuesday between 17:30 - 19:30
See website for more details
Phone number : 07912084549
Email: anneprit@tiscali.co.uk
We meet monthly in Liverpool.
Blackpool Smile
Phone number : 07505 210402
Email : Blackpoolsmile2010@hotmail.co.uk
Website : Www.blackpoolsmile.org
We are a proactive chronic pain support group and many of us have fibromyalgia. We meet every week for support, gentle stretches, low impact exercise, coffee and lots of smiles.
Fibro and Cfs/ME Info Southport.
Telephone: 01704 381983
Email: fibrofreddie@outlook.com
Fibro and CFS/ME Info Southport is set up as a Voluntary Support drop-in for finding out more about helping yourself when dealing with FM and CFS/ME. Everyone Welcome.
Meetings are held every Thursday from 11.30 am prompt, to 1.15 pm. At the Community Room. First Floor, Southport Fire Station. Albert Road. Southport. PR9 0LH.
There is a lift and parking at council charge around the building.
Preston and Chorley Fibromyalgia, Hypermobility
and Chronic Pain Support Group
0844 887 2491: 9am-6pm
Facebook: click here
Twitter: click here
07478 764627
Facebook: click here
Fun With Fibro (Burnley area)
01254 606990 / 01254 387427 / 07846134338
Facebook: Facebook
Lancaster and Morecambe Fibromyalgia Support Group
07788 077927 evenings
Facebook: click here
Fibromates - North West Fibromyalgia Support Group
Anne Pritchard - 07912 084 549
0845 409 0375: 6pm - 9pm
Salford Fibromyalgia Support Group
0844 887 2603 10am - 4pm weekdays
Halton Fibromyalgia Support Group
07503 766198 -10 til 4
Facebook: click here
Fibro Friends
01254 662098
Bolton Fibromyalgia Support Group
0844 345 2613 or 07532 348873
Tameside Fibromyalgia & ME/CFS Support Group
0844 887 2357 - between 10am and 6 pm
Facebook: click here
High Peak Fibromyalgia & ME/CFS Support
0844 887 2363 daytime-early evening, answer phone available
Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Fibromyalgia Support Group
South Manchester Fibromyalgia Support Group
email - Fibrowarrior4444@gmail.com
0161 962 7396 - 10.30am - 8.00pm
West Cheshire Fibromyalgia Support Group
0151 348 1098 - after 6.00pm
Warrington District Fibromyalgia Support Group
0845 345 5976
Blackburn Fibromyalgia Support Group
00844 887 2365/01254 662098
between 9-12noon, 7-9pm
Salford and Trafford FM & ME Group
We now have 55 members, a mixture of M.E. and Fibromyalgia patients. We meet once a month in both Salford and Trafford. We offer support, guidance and friendship. We recognise the impacts of each illness on the social life of sufferers. We are a completely free group. We liaise with other Fibro and ME Groups and try to offer the latest news and advice available
Send Us Your Support Group
FM Support Groups are Cropping up through various Social Channels all the time, we would love to be able to keep an up to date list of all local groups in the UK. If you run a support group and would like to be included in our UK Fibro Support Map, please pop us your details and we will be in touch.
Come and join us on one of our groups, where we have over 40,000 members, all with moderators.
Private Group
Men & Fibromyalgia
Young People with FM
Fibromyalgia Images
Legal Marijuana products for Fibromyalgia