South-West Support Groups
Kingswood, South Glos and Fishponds area of Bristol
Fibrofriends.org.uk -Log-in to our website and sign up to receive our newsletter.
We are a fun and positive group offering lots of encouragement and support to others, like ourselves, with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME or Sjögrens.
We meet twice per month -
* 2nd Wednesday 1:00-2:30
* Last Wednesday 10:30-12:00 at
Kingsmedow @Madeforever
Fisher Road,
South Gloucestershire
BS15 4RQ
Support Group at the Fibro Clinic Southwest
07968 511312
We offer monthly support groups, events, workshops to promote self-management, holistic treatments and social meetups.
Salisbury Fibromyalgia Support
Phone number :07506477191 & on 01722 333034
Email: katy.gillingham@nhs.net
We are a friendly group, meeting in a local GP surgery. Everyone is welcome - it is a chance to meet others, form friendships and share experiences. We also have speakers every few months for information and further support. We meet on the 4th Thursday of every month between 2-3:30pm at Salisbury Medical Practice, Fisherton House, Fountain Way, Salisbury SP2 7FD.
Chippenham FM Group
We hold meetings on the first Saturday of every month at the mill house Chippenham. 10.30-12.00, free tea and coffee, and a guest speaker. we have buddies available, so none will ever be sat on their own. come and join us.
Phone number: 07974074286
Email: fibro@mail.uk
Swindon Foggys
Dedicated to providing support, raising awareness and promoting positivity, for "invisible condition's"
We meet at Liden Community Centre, Liden Centre, Barrington Close, Swindon SN3 6HP 12 – 2pm the first Wednesday of the month. Meetings are casual, drop-in basis, unless we have a speaker and we ask that you arrive promptly for them. We pay for Hydrotherapy at Thamesdown Hydrotherapy, twice a week, every week, for our paid members and their friends/loved ones/carer.
Foggy's Helpline Monday to Friday 12pm - 3pm: 07396 161265
Fibromyalgia Somerset & Invisible Me Wellbeing
We meet every Monday from 12pm till 3pm
Group actually starts at 12:30pm till 2:30pm.
We use the extra time before and after to help settle in, have a chat and get yourself a refreshment. And after for any questions you may have and to close down the group.
Group Facilitators:
Lizzy Oakley 07815 606372
Ellen Upham 07493 606234
Paul Hopkins 07590 230589
Weston-super-Mare Fibromyalgia Support Group
Phone number : 074119989478
Email : wsmfibro@gmail.com
Facebook: WSM Fibromyalgia Support Group
We are a very friendly group who meet most weeks in one form or another. We aim to inform and support local people and use a lot of the "best medicine" - laughter! Meetings are held on the third Monday each month at Mead Vale Community Hall, BS22 8XJ at 1.30pm. We also meet on the second Friday morning and fourth Tuesday afternoon for a cafe catch up. We have a weekly hydrotherapy session, craft days, theatre trips and anything else out members suggest.
Bath Fibro coffee & chat group
07952 747682
text only please between 8am - 10pm
Wincanton & District Fibromyalgia support group
0844 887 2597
9am - 6pm
Trowbridge Fibro coffee and chat group
07952747682 10am-7pm
Meet on the second Monday of the month @
Tesco Community Room,
County Way,
BA14 7AQ
from 11am - 1pm
Bridgewater & District Fibromyalgia support group
0844 887 2438
daytime 10am – 4pm weekdays only
Calne & Districts Fibromyalgia support
Helpline Lesley 07905 123 574
Anytime – calls will be returned within 24 hrs if a message is left)
West Cornwall Fibromyalgia support Group
01209 842556
After 11am
Fal Fibro Friends
0844 887 246
Between 11am and 4pm Monday - Friday ( Leave a message and we will return your call)
Newquay Fibromyalgia ME/CFS Support Group
Mobile - 07486 556237
Admin contact Karen Runacres.Meetings alternate Tuesday mornings 11 - 12.30 am at Best Western Hotel Narrowcliff.
We are a friendly and social group who meet to share a cuppa and maybe a bit of cake...Just bring yourself and a bit of money to cover your drink / cake. We welcome new members to join us. Members have found coming together for some social time helps us all.We offer support, information and advice for anyone experiencing Fibromyalgia. ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms.
Bideford Fibro Support Group
Bristol Fibromyalgia M.E/CFS (FM.E) United Support Group
Leader ~ Sharon Blake (Shass)
Meets 2nd & Last Wednesday of the Month
Local Support Helpline
0844 891 3729
mobile - 0796 393 7383
Facebook Bristol FME
Twitter Bristol FME United
Prnterest Bristol FME United
Warminster and District Fibromyalgia Support Group
0844 887 2452
Torbay and South Devon M.E/CFS/ Fibromyalgia
01803 554724
(11am - 4pm)
Swindon M.E & Fibromyalgia Support Group
Julie Cushion
01793 614643 mon -fri 9-5
Manor Farm pub, Haydon Wick, Swindon, Wilts SN25 1JE. third weds of the Month from7-9pm
Send Us Your Support Group
FM Support Groups are Cropping up through various Social Channels all the time, we would love to be able to keep an up to date list of all local groups in the UK. If you run a support group and would like to be included in our UK Fibro Support Map, please pop us your details and we will be in touch.
Come and join us on one of our groups, where we have over 40,000 members, all with moderators.
Private Group
Men & Fibromyalgia
Young People with FM
Fibromyalgia Images
Legal Marijuana products for Fibromyalgia