Can you learn more about FMS by observing the position of Planets?


As generally known the reputation of Astrology is more or less controversial and I must agree there are many procedures that are debatable. Fortunately there are also serious scientific research groups, e.g. the Dutch NVWOA (Dutch Association for Scientific Research of Astrology).

The NVWOA is a group of scientists and astrologers who aim to conduct objective research into Astrology.

As a member of this respected organisation I was introduced to the FibroMyalgiaSyndrome, a phenomenon until then unknown to me, through one of their members, a lady who is now a good friend of mine, suffering from FMS for years.

Research on the internet taught me that little is known about this ailment. But soon enough I noticed there are only assumptions regarding the origin of this illness so far, whether or not scientific.

Fortunately progress has been made concerning those, publishing of which seem interestingly enough. As a reader of this magazine, you undoubtedly have been taken notice of this.

These studies stimulated my curiosity.

Through the internet I collected a total of 25 horoscopes of people suffering from FMS. Studying these in an astrological way, the results were very hopeful. As a member  of the aforementioned organisation I now want to start a serious project, aiming to achieve an objective determination as to whether or nor not there are demonstrable correlations between the positions of celestial bodies during the birth of a human being and the occurrence of FMS.

However, that soon turned out to be easier thought than done! And, moreover, to be difficult enough to find a stage for this. How good then is it to learn that UK FibroMyalgia was willing to do this and thereby offering a new step in this hopeful research.

In order to be able to collect as much horoscopes as possible, I appeal to you as reader, if suffering from FMS, to provide me with your data of birth, so as not only to participate in this unique research that aims at your well-being, but also that of future patients.

By issuing this information it is especially important for you to know that:

⁃             Your anonymity is guaranteed;

⁃             There are no commercial intentions whatsoever;

⁃             You will be given the opportunity to follow the research step-by-step.

Below is a summary of the information needed:

Full Name / Birth-data as: location, time & date / When FMS was Diagnosed

Also you will be given the opportunity to state specific additional explanations and/or questions you may have.

If you agree to participate you will find the necessary form to complete and to send by clicking here.

(If you are not able to click on the above links, copy the link and paste it into your browser. 

 Last but not least, every participant will be rewarded with a natal birthday-horoscope-chart.

About the NVWOA

Who we are and what we do

Welcome at the website of the NVWOA, the Nederlandse Vereniging tot Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek van de Astrologie (Dutch Association for Research of Astrology).

Many scientists consider astrology to be nonsensical, while many astrologers think their field does not need to be investigated: it works, doesn’t it? The NVWOA positions itself between these two extremes. Members are mostly people who have studied astrology and are interested in research. There is a lot of knowledge of astrology in the association as well as knowledge about and experience with appropriate research methods. A number of our members also conduct research themselves.

The NVWOA does not take a principal position on whether or not astrology is ‘true’. To become a member or to attend the meetings you do not have to be a scientist or do active research into astrology yourself. In the meetings, members or external speakers give presentations and we discuss topics with which members are working.

Questions that the NVWOA is concerned with include: How do you investigate astrological assumptions? How did they arise historically? When can you use statistics and when are other methods more suitable? What does it mean for astrology theory and research that it is symbol-based?

On this website you will find information about the activities of the association and also publications in the form of newsletters and articles. The articles on this website are the responsibility of the authors and do not represent opinions of the editors of the website or of the NVWOA as an association.


You can reach the board of the NVWOA via


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