How to Manage Fibromyalgia at Work

Fibromyalgia, which is more prevalent in women, tends to develop between the ages of 30 and 50, when many sufferers will find that they are trying to work full time as well as look after a family. Therefore, self-management and understanding is crucial at an early stage. 

By self-managing fibromyalgia pain and controlling daily stress, some people with fibromyalgia can undertake many activities and even participate in sports. However, this is not the reality for many. Fibromyalgia can cause fatigue and weakness. Muscles often feel as if they have been pulled or worked too hard and cognitive abilities can also be affected with many patients reporting having ‘brain-fog’, where they find functions such as concentration and memory to be impaired – as a result, it is important to try and manage fibromyalgia and make working day as practical as possible.

Tips for managing fibromyalgia in the workplace: 

·      Sleep is one of the most important tools to manage fibromyalgia symptoms so ensure you get enough sleep the night before tackling a day at work.

·      Dress appropriately, especially if you work outdoors or in an office with air conditioning – cold often triggers inflammation of the joints and bones so make sure you keep warm and consider handwarmers and heatpacks to soothe stiff muscles.

·      If your job requires that you are on your feet for several hours, ensure you take regular breaks to rest your legs and back.

·      Likewise, if you spend most of your day sitting behind a desk, take frequent breaks and get up and walk around for 5 minutes every hour. You could even consider doing some yoga stretches and poses to keep muscles relaxed.

·      Speak to your HR department about your working environment – your computer should be at the right height, and your chair ergonomic. If you are on the phone a lot, use a headset to prevent neck strain and discomfort.

·      Prepare nutritious snacks and meals and eat healthy throughout the day so you have the energy you need to carry out your job.

·      Manage your stress – always easier said than done, however if left unchecked, stress can trigger fibromyalgia symptoms.

·      Talk to your employer so they can make adjustments to your workspace and be open with colleagues about the fibromyalgia symptoms of pain, fatigue, and the impact this can have on your mental health and the ability to do your job.

If you are suffering from fibromyalgia, CRPS, or any chronic pain condition as a result of an accident that was not your fault, and even if you have an existing claim, get in touch with Brian Barr Solicitors to see if we can assist. It is simple and hassle free to move your claim to Brian Barr Solicitors who are experts in dealing with chronic pain litigation. Call us today on 0161 737 9248 or visit our website to find out more.

We do not endorse any research, studies or sources mentioned within our blogs and comments. The blog is for information purposes only as we are not medical professionals. We do not endorse any medical advice provided and would strongly recommend anyone seeking medical advice to contact their local healthcare provider before any changes to treatment and / or management of your condition is undertaken.


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