Homeopathy with Jen

Hello, my name is Jem. I want to share my story and see if I can help others. It might be a long one.. so bare with…

I got covid in December 2020. Since then I’ve suffered with long covid, after doing some research it seems that after a virus such as covid, sufferers are left with fibromyalgia. Before the virus I was fit, well and a healthy individual. 

Before this I’d never even heard of fibromyalgia. The rheumatologist told me it could be fibromyalgia and advised me to use amitriptyline. I wanted a more holistic and natural approach.

This whole experience affected me mentally, emotionally and physically. Being told I had to pace myself, I then went on to look for a solution.

Being 41 I didn’t want to pump my system with drugs. So looking up natural medicine to treat fibromyalgia, I came across homeopathy. I went on to find myself a homeopathy practitioner to assist with my recovery.

Again, I’d never heard of homeopathy either. But reading about homeopathy it was so interesting, how the medicine treats mental and emotional states of the individual, as well as how a person is affected by their symptoms, physically. 

Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine used by over 200 million people worldwide to treat both acute and chronic conditions and is a complementary and alternative medicine.

Homeopathy has been practiced worldwide for over 250 years. It is gentle and safe. This means it is suitable for adults, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Homeopathic medicines are made from small amounts of natural substances such as plants and minerals. Prepared in licensed laboratories.

It is based on the principle of ‘like cures like’. A substance taken in small amounts will cure the same symptoms it causes if taken in large amounts. 

For example, a patient suffering from hayfever may benefit from the homeopathic remedy Allium Cepa (onion) because it produces similar symptoms such as watery eyes or runny nose.

After covid I suffered with chronic fatigue, chronic pain, achy, stiffness all over. My sleep was massively disturbed. I had pins and needles, numbness in my hands and feet. I had stiff, swollen hands and feet. This really debilitated me and caused me to be off work for the past 17 months and to eventually leave my job. 

This has most definitely been an extremely difficult and lonely time. I’ve been looking for ways to help ease my symptoms and to get some relief.

Now more and more studies are showing that covid is leaving people with fibromyalgia. Becoming sick has really opened my eyes to real health and well-being.

I completely understand having this condition is most definitely a life changer. From being such an energetic and able person to having these health issues has really affected my mental health and well-being. I had some CBT sessions. I saw an osteopath, chiropractor, and acupuncturist. I’ve invested so much money and energy into getting better.

I invested in learning to meditate a year before I got sick, which has been a huge blessing for my Mental health during this difficult time.

And I’ve now started practising Qi Gong, which I’ve found is really helpful, it’s gentle and slow.

My journey has now led me to go on to study homeopathy. I was so amazed how homeopathy helped me. My fatigue and body pains have improved massively. My hands are what we’re now working on with my homeopath.

But we need to remember this is a journey and recovery takes time, as it does with any form of complementary medicine. Homeopathy helps your body heal rather than suppress symptoms.

Homeopathy looks at each person’s symptoms individually and as we know symptoms are different from person to person and each person is affected differently, mentally, emotionally and physically. That’s what I love about homeopathy it treats the individual, not the condition. Every individual is unique and so are their symptoms and experiences of an illness.

I believe Homeopathy can really help and I wish I’d known about it sooner.

Please get in touch if you are interested in homeopathy and would like to try the holistic approach to help, assist your body to get through this time. 

Email me at: info@homeopathywithjem.com   

Follow me on Instagram: Homeopathywithjem 

Visit: www.Homeopathywithjem.com


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