We Wish You Knew

Fibromyalgia is defined as

A condition which causes wide spread pain and tiredness

Yet there is so much more to it

So many things we wish you knew


We wish you knew

That we wish we could be happy and carefree again

That the pain steals the lives we used to have

What it is like to walk a day in our shoes

That we use make up and masks to hide and pretend to be ok.


We wish you knew

No amount of sleep or pain medications will cure us or make it better

We use every ounce of strength and determination to just stand and stay standing

How lonely and isolated we feel.


We wish you knew

How fibro has stolen our lives

It’s taken us from our families and friends

Just because I’m ok today it doesn’t mean we will be ok tomorrow

No two days are ever the same

The guilt we carry when we can no longer do the things we used to.


We wish you knew

How hard it is sometimes to keep going

How to listen to us rather than judge

Just because you can’t see it doesn’t make it any less real

When we say we are in pain really do mean it.


We wish you knew

How much strength it takes to do the simplest of tasks which others take for granted

To listen to us and our ideas, we know our bodies best

We are not lazy when needing to rest, we really are running on empty

Even when we say nothing it is still going on inside us

We just don’t want to burden you.

We want you to know

We don’t mean to forget things

What it’s doing to my mind and head

How we’re now half the person we used to be

How we didn’t ask to be like this.


We want you to know

Our pain is real

How much it hurts that you no longer visit, call or text

The distraction this can cause to us and others around us

I was already struggling before fibro took what little was left.


We wish you knew

Fibromyalgia isn’t a choice

It’s not made up

It is a devastating, life altering, incurable illness

We don’t want sympathy

Just a willing for others to understand

May 12th fibromyalgia awareness day

A day to spread awareness

A day to spread the truth

A day for our voices

To be heard.


Treating Fibromyalgia: Pain Relievers, Delta 8, Physical Therapy and more


Homeopathy with Jen