Treating Fibromyalgia: Pain Relievers, Delta 8, Physical Therapy and more

Fibromyalgia is a condition causing widespread pain all over the body, as well as sleep issues, fatigue and mental distress. Not only do patients experience unexplained bouts of pain, they are also more sensitive to external factors, so things that wouldn’t cause any discomfort to someone not dealing with fibromyalgia can be very uncomfortable for someone who has it. This is referred to as abnormal pain perception processing. There are many types of treatment available for the disorder, including medication, exercise, stress management techniques and, perhaps unsurprisingly, cannabis derived products.

The cannabis craze has caught up with an increasingly larger portion of the public, and an increasing number of people are willing to give the products a try, lured in by the promises of relaxation, stress relief and reduction in the symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorders. However, the increasing popularity has had an additional effect: more and more products are popping up on the market, giving consumers an increased range of products to choose from. One of them is delta 8.

Here are some of the treatments that were shown to be helpful and useful for the people dealing with fibromyalgia.


Medication is one of the first things you’ll be prescribed if you’re struggling with fibromyalgia. There are many types that can help keep the symptoms at bay. Pain relievers are common, including acetaminophen and ibuprofen. They help reduce the aches and stiffness and allow you to carry on with your daily activities and rest when you need to. Your physician may also recommend antidepressants. Many of them act as muscle relaxants and help promote sleep, which is often a cause for concern for patients struggling with fibromyalgia.

Another class of medication sometimes used to treat fibromyalgia are anti-seizure pills. Although they are traditionally employed in the treatment of epilepsy they have also shown promising results in the reduction of the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. They’ve been shown to be particularly helpful in reducing all areas of the body, whether the left or right upper regions, axial region or lower limbs.

Delta 8

Like all other cannabis varieties, Delta 8 can be consumed as an edible, vaped or smoked. While it does contain THC, that shouldn’t deter you from giving it a try. Although there are many misconceptions linking it to heightened anxiety levels, you can rest assured that the main benefits you’re going to get from delta 8 are relaxation and instant pain relief. This is due to its anti-inflammatory properties and interaction with the endocannabinoid system, a neuromodulatory network responsible, among other things, with regulating pain responses and mood.

However, you want to be careful about where you purchase your product. When you choose ultra premium delta-8 gummies, you can have your pick between blueberry, watermelon and apple. Each edible contains approximately twenty-five milligrams of delta 8, and they are vegan and cruelty-free as no gelatin is used in the manufacturing process. They also don’t contain artificial flavor enhancers or colors. The gummies are the best way to consume delta 8 if you’re trying to remain discreet. Although views are changing, there’s still a certain stigma associated with consuming cannabis, but when you consume it in the form of edibles, you don’t have to worry about this aspect. Also, since smoking and vaping are prohibited in many public spaces, gummies can be the preferred alternative.

However, if you prefer vaping, there are many cartridge types you can choose from depending on your taste. Durban Poison is the go-to if you’re a fan of spice, licorice and citrus. Much like the dessert it gets its name from, Gelato has a sweet aroma reminiscent of berries and cinnamon thanks to the terpenes it contains, such as limonene and humulene. And if you prefer something a little earthier, you can give Northern Lights a try. This strain has a woodsy flavor with hints of pine.

You can also take a look at delta 8 flowers to pick something that could help you out. Green Crack will remove any lethargy you may be experiencing and leave you feeling revitalized and ready to tackle the day ahead of you. Skywalker is reminiscent of berries and citrus while the Wedding Cake flower has an earthy taste base.

No matter what your preferences are, you’re bound to find something that suits you. And if you’re not sure what would work best, it’s alright to go through some trial and error until you find the delta 8 product that works best for you.


Getting in the right amount of movement is very important in general, but when you have fibromyalgia it’s also something that helps keep symptoms at bay. Aerobic and muscle strengthening routines are very helpful. They empower you to develop confidence in your own abilities. While the most obvious effect is diminished pain, exercise also helps combat fatigue and regulates sleep patterns. It also maintains bone mass, improves balance and reduces stress levels. All these factors can exacerbate already existing symptoms, so it’s important to keep them in check.

Physical therapy is also a sound idea. Working with a therapist means you’ll get specialized advice that is perfectly suited to your body’s needs. You can develop exercise routines that tackle the areas where you’re experiencing pain. For example, if your neck and shoulders are stiff, you’ll want to perform exercises that target those problem areas in particular. Physical therapy also helps improve flexibility and stamina. You can take it a step further and work with an occupational therapist who can offer advice on the types of adjustments you can make to your work space that’ll help put less strain on your body.

Counseling can also have many benefits. Much like the physical muscles, the mind should also be trained. And there’s no better way to do this than by talking to a psychologist. Discuss your fears, struggles and anxieties and allow an expert to teach you strategies for dealing with and minimizing the effect of anxiety-provoking situations.

Fibromyalgia can be a difficult diagnosis to receive. While not fatal, patents experience lower quality of life levels, which is difficult to deal with. However, with the right treatment scheme, you can get the upper hand on the disorder.


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