What Chronic Illness Has Taught Me About Love

by Katarina Zulak

To all the partners of people living with chronic illness who share their love and support on the good days and the bad days - here's to you!

I first met my now-husband 12 years ago. I had just finished university and we were in an internship training to start a career in international development. There was an immediate connection based on shared passions, personalities and sense of humour. After our internships, we started dating. Within six months I was smitten and we were in the full-blown lovey-dovey honeymoon phase that I'd previously rolled my eyes at.   

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

My soul can reach..."  - Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The life we'd imagined for ourselves was so very different from the life we live now. We wanted to live abroad, work in developing countries, and be adventurous. But within two years I began experiencing chronic pain. Four years in, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Instead of abroad, we live in our home town. Instead of working in the same field, I stay at home. Instead of seeking out new experiences, we work hard to do the ordinary things like visit family or go on a date. But the biggest difference is that I am dependent on my husband's care for things like daily chores and housekeeping.

At first it was very hard not to feel like a burden or wonder if this shared life together is a disappointment.  As the dependent partner, I wonder what I contribute positively to my husband's life. Lliving with chronic illness makes it harder to share romance because of the unpredictability of flare ups (cancelled dates, anyone!?) and the stress of illness. When everyday life is such a struggle, I feel guilty for bringing all this into his life. But then my husband looks at me and says "But life together beats life apart every time" and that's all that matters.

"Love is not love until love's vulnerable" - Thomas Roethke

A few years later, I had a laparoscopy to treat my endometriosis. After the surgery, I needed round- the-clock care from my husband - help standing and sitting, help getting dressed, help showering and help preparing food. In that state of complete dependence, I learned something new about love. When I needed my husband the most, he was there. When I was at my most vulnerable, he gave me unconditional support and tenderness. That's the definition of love. Instead of draining or burdening our relationship, this painful procedure strengthened our bond.

“We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection." -Brene Brown

The universal truth is that "no man is an island". We all need other people.  Chronic illness brings this truth into sharp relief. I used to struggle against this reality, fearing dependency was a form of weakness. What I have learned is that being vulnerable enough to accept help is a strength. Having intimate trust in your partner deepens your love and brings you closer together.

“Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.” -Louis de Bernieres

Now I know that my husband doesn't love me in spite of my fibromyalgia. I find it incredible but he truly wants to be with me and share our lives together regardless of any challenges caused by illness. When you love someone, you would never exchange an easier life for a life without them, because it wouldn't be worth living. Without being tested by chronic illness, I am not sure I would have learned how powerful and how healing that kind of love can be. Life with chronic illness is messy and challenging, but I am grateful for the lessons I have learned about  love on this journey.


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